Derbyshire Police Federation


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Burlingtons offer Federation members a free initial consultation with a family lawyer and a 15 per cent discount for family law services for serving officers, police staff and families, with a 10 per cent discount for NARPO members. There is a 10 per cent off all other legal services.

The firm deals with all aspects of family law and are accustomed to dealing with cases involving sensitive and complex issues.

The Burlingtons’ representative for Derbyshire Police Federation is family law partner Terina Kiss. 

Terina is an experienced family lawyer specialising in divorce law, matrimonial financial remedy, private children and is a member of Resolution. 

Terina Kiss

Terina Kiss, family law specialist.

Terina endeavours, in the first instance, to reach a negotiated settlement with the other party to avoid often unnecessary and costly court proceedings; always striving to achieve the best possible outcome given each individual client’s case.

In addition to divorce and associated financial matters, Terina also specialises in private Children Act matters, pre and post-nuptial agreements, co-habitation agreements, separation agreements, civil partnerships, Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996 advice, relating to property disputes between unmarried couples.

Terina can be contacted on 0755 780 1119 or by email.

Find out more about Burlingtons.





June 2024