90 days from today is Wed, 11 June 2025
Members who are prevented in the course of a tour of duty or shift from obtaining a meal in their usual way will be reimbursed the difference between the meal obtained and the meal they would usually take in the course of that tour.
Members retained on duty beyond their normal daily period of duty or shift will be reimbursed the cost of any meal necessarily obtained.
Members will be reimbursed accommodation expenses necessarily incurred in connection with duty away from their usual place of duty or because of being retained on duty beyond their normal daily period of duty or shift.
In all cases receipts will need to be presented, and the expenditure must be reasonable.
To be entitled to claim the claimant must:
The claim is required to be supported by an itemised receipt, and where VAT has been charged an itemised VAT receipt is required. Visa/Credit/Debit card receipts are not acceptable.
It is expected that you will refresh / take meals by their usual method without making a claim if it is reasonable to do so.
Maximum claim is £30 (a maximum £15.00 per meal) in a 24-hour period or part thereof backed by relevant receipts.
If breakfast is provided as an inclusive price of hotel accommodation then the overall maximum of £30.00 will be reduced to £25.00 per 24 hour period. The maximum allowance must cover any teas/coffees taken during the period of the claim and may include one alcoholic drink with an evening meal if contained within the £15.00 allowance and providing the individual is not on duty.
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