90 days from today is Wed, 11 June 2025

Wiltshire Police Federation

What is on-call and what am I entitled too?

On call allowance Since 2012, a member of the federated ranks receives an allowance in respect of each day on which s/he spends any time on-call. A ‘day’ means a period of 24 hours starting at a time determined by the chief officer after consultation with the Branch Board. A chief officer may fix different times in relation to different groups of members. The current rate, as of 1 September 2019, is £20 in respect of each day

All federated ranks are covered by this allowance.

An officer "shall receive an allowance of £20 in respect of each day on which he spends any time on-call" - para 13) Annex U to determination for Reg 34.
It should be remembered that on-call is entirely voluntary and is designed to be used where it is not practicable or reasonable to have it covered by a 24/7 shift pattern.

If you feel that you perform on-call but do not receive the allowance, please contact the Fed office.

