90 days from today is Sat, 28 September 2024

Wiltshire Police Federation

Who are we

The remit of the Police Federation is extremely wide, being defined in the Police Act 1964 as "welfare and efficiency". This wide definition allows the Federation to act on virtually any issue relating to its members or the force in general.

Contact information for full time officials and our administrative team can be found here

The Police Federation is the staff association, which represents the vast majority of police officers in Wiltshire. Our members are every Police Officer from the rank of Constable through to Chief Inspector. 

The voice of the Police Federation is regularly heard on TV, radio and in the press as we campaign on your behalf to ensure that you and fellow officers are given a fair deal financially, legally and professionally. 

For details of work done nationally by the Police Federation visit www.polfed.org

At Force level the Federation is represented within the Executive Leadership Team, at Force Joint Negotiating and Consultative Committee (JNCC), the Health and Safety Committee and on a number of Programme and Project Boards. 

At Hub level your representatives are involved in areas including DLT, Sickness Monitoring and Health and Safety Committees as well as in consultation on local issues.