90 days from today is Mon, 07 April 2025

Sussex Police Federation

Police Pay Increase 2023

14 July 2023

Good afternoon Colleagues, 


Most of you would have seen the Government announcement yesterday in which officers are to receive a 7% pay rise across all ranks from September 2023. This is a much needed and well-deserved pay rise for hard working police officers and the biggest one we have seen in recent times. This additional money will go a long way in supporting officers who are suffering real financial hardship with the rising cost of food, utilities, and now higher mortgage costs.


Looking to the future, and though we welcome the 7% pay rise, it falls significantly short of the 17% that would bring us in line with our comparators. The Home Office is still not engaging with police officers about getting a permanent, fair and independent pay review mechanism similar to the rest of the public sector. Without one, I fear a decline in police pay and conditions is inevitable and so we continue to fight for our officers to get the pay they deserve.


With this in mind, I touch upon industrial rights in my latest Chairs message (see here - Chairs Update Q2 2023 (polfed.org)) and we will be balloting our membership in the coming months as to whether this is something you wish for PFEW to pursue.


I would like to take this opportunity to remind officers of our 1-1 clinics with Mortgage and Financial advisors should they need advice. Contact admin@sussex.polfed.org for further information.


Kind regards,

Daren Egan

Chair, Sussex Police Federation