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Sussex Police Federation

Sussex Police Federation Pension Update

5 July 2019

Sussex Police Federation represents the Federated ranks within Sussex Police, (PC to C/Insp). It is a branch of The Police Federation of England and Wales, (PFEW), the National staff association for Federated ranks of the Police Service in England and Wales.

We fully support the new position taken by the National officials of PFEW in their announcement following Thursdays Supreme Court ruling; that we are now prepared to bring any appropriate legal claims on behalf of our members, if our expectations are not met by the Government following the latest development over pensions.

Our position has always been that members should have remained on the pension schemes they were originally ‘sold’, or better. That remains our objective.

The recent decision by the Supreme Court has informed the Govt. that there is no further route to appeal and the matter must return to the Employment Tribunal for the discrimination to be rectified – we await to see the Govt.’s position on how they intend to do this. Until this position is known it is impossible to state precisely what should, or indeed can be done next.

There is a National Council meeting, for the Chairs and Secretaries of all the local branches, next week where this matter will be discussed further. It is vital for the future of the organisation that the National Federation not only listen to, but hear the grassroot members and act on their wishes – we will take your views, which we have been given in clear and unambiguous terms, to that meeting.

Now it is more important than ever that, as a staff association, we remain united, fighting amongst ourselves will only assist those in power that have sought to damage our service and erode our pay, conditions and pensions. The other staff associations also have a part to play in this and we hope they will assist us on behalf of their members who are also affected.

For clarity, the Federation has the following expectations from Government:

• the Government must accept that all transitional arrangements were unlawful, but they must not, while addressing that discrimination, introduce other unfairness to our members
• the Supreme Court decision applies across the public sector
• the Government concedes the existing police pensions legal claims
• they honour the promises made to those nearest retirement, and maintain the arrangements put in place
• The Government must ensure that all those subject to discrimination are remedied appropriately
• The remedy must also apply to those who have left the service

We will continue to do all we can to get the best deal for as many, (if not all), of our members as possible. That has always been our objective and will remain so.

A further update will be provided after the National Council meeting next week.

Matt Webb
Chair – Sussex Police Federation