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MetFriendly: Help with your finances from a true finance expert

18 August 2020

Help with your finances from a true finance expert

As well as being the CEO at Metfriendly, Kathy Byrne is also a qualified actuary and has written a book to help others understand the world of savings. So it's no surprise that Kathy's friends and family are always using her as a sounding board for their own finances.

In last month's blog, Kathy shared some of that information with us to show how she goes about managing her own savings and investments. In the article Kathy tells you how to help you make the most of your money in five easy steps, what she calls a "money health check".

Read her blog here: https://resources.metfriendly.org.uk/five-easy-steps-to-make-the-most-of-your-money-july-2020?utm_campaign=News&utm_medium=email&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_DrL3A7anS86bD9eAZ2s4eod2-1Hz3s5PJ_G65PwYJpUHwJKBwQLwqt7BfMkQWh7bDZ9RDNnHSx9L8czWuPyiQrc3hNcrKcxPykzvNyfkTuMKA4Mk&_hsmi=93239994&utm_content=93239994&utm_source=hs_email&hsCtaTracking=875c0dd4-af9d-425f-968f-1743e64e590a%7C16e77f89-278c-4a7b-bfa3-aa41015f766a