90 days from today is Mon, 07 April 2025

Sussex Police Federation

Coronavirus Crisis: Sussex Police colleagues continue to do a brilliant job

26 March 2020

A message to members from Sussex Police Federation Chairman Matt Webb:

“Police officers in Sussex remain busy working throughout the unprecedented times of crisis the country is currently facing. There is no working from home for the majority of officers. And our colleagues continue to do a brilliant job.

“As always, keeping the public safe is the number one priority, but it goes without saying that police officers are humans too – mums, dads, sons, daughters, husbands and wives - and they will have their own concerns and personal worries about the developing situation and their family’s safety.

“Sussex Police Federation continues to operate and fulfil all of our core Police Federation functions in support of our members and we will continue to be our members’ voice when it is needed.

"The rapid development of the COVID-19 virus means advice is changing frequently to members, and I’m aware this can be confusing.

“We will update our members as often as we can, and will make sure to share any updates on our social media feeds and our website.

"This is the most unique and challenging situation we have ever encountered, but I want to reassure you that you have a voice through us.

"If you have any personal worries, we will do what we can to help you, please don’t hesitate to get in touch."