90 days from today is Tue, 11 March 2025

Sussex Police Federation

A joint statement from Sussex and Surrey Police Federation on their position regarding Special Constables

6 April 2020

With the ongoing police response to the COVID-19 pandemic, (locally known as Op Apollo), considering the use of our Special Constabulary Colleagues, it was thought pertinent that we should let them know our current position on Special Constables.

Several years ago, a Sussex motion to the PFEW National Conference successfully changed policy to actively seek a change in legislation to allow members of the Special Constabulary to join PFEW as members. I am pleased to say that although this objective has taken longer than anticipated, legislation is expected later this year to provide for this to happen.

In the meantime, we are in a position where regular mobilisation of our Special Constabulary colleagues is being considered and we have seen cases both locally and nationally where the number of hours being worked by SC colleagues is increasing. These hours are time spent serving our communities and supporting regular officers during a difficult and dangerous period in our history.

Sussex and Surrey Police Federations wish to make it clear; should one of our Special Constable colleagues require advice, guidance or representation due to their assistance during Op Apollo, and until they are able to join our organisation, following a change in legislation, we will provide them with the same advice, guidance and representation that we would provide our members.

We are unable to provide them access to our legal fund due to the rules in relation to its use. However, Special Constables are covered by the Home Office ARC legal policy and we have experience working with ARC legal and will do all we can to assist them if this process is required and ensure they are represented by the same accredited solicitors we would use for our members.

Should any member of the Special Constabulary have any questions or would like further information they should contact us by the following means: -

Sussex email admin@sussex.polfed.org phone 01273 404211 or internal extension 544434/5

Surrey email admin@surrey.polfed.org phone 01483 630289 or internal extension 30289

Mel Warnes, Chair of Surrey Police Federation and Matt Webb, Chair of Sussex Police Federation