90 days from today is Mon, 19 May 2025

Sussex Police Federation

Personal Injury Claims

One of the benefits of your Police Federation membership is the ability to receive legal support and make claims if you are injured on or off duty. If you or your immediate family suffer with an injury, in the first instance please contact the Sussex Federation office on admin@sussex.polfed.org or 01273 443681 if you would like to submit an application for funding. Please do not go direct through the Group Insurance Scheme as your application will be refused and you will be directed back to the Federation office.


Types of Personal injury claim we cover

(this is not an exhaustive list)


Clinical Negligence


Defective Equipment

Chemical exposure

Occupational Stress

CICA (appeal/review only)

Training injuries


Hearing loss

Dog bite

Lifting injury

Needle stick injury

Enforcer rapid entry


If, for any reason, the funding is rejected by PFEW, the legal cover you receive with the Group Insurance Scheme would then take a look at your case and its merits and potentially agree to fund.


Road Traffic Accident


If you or a member of your immediate family have suffered an injury as a result of a road traffic accident then you are entitled to free legal advice, support and representation to obtain financial compensation. Federated officers can fill out this form and PFEW will contact you direct.

