90 days from today is Mon, 19 May 2025

Sussex Police Federation

Health and Safety

Our mission is to proactively work in partnership with the Force, at all levels, to deliver a safe working environment for all.


We aim to achieve this by:

  • Embracing all relevant legislation and approved codes of practise.
  • Improving communication.
  • Improving consultation.
  • Training and development.


Who is responsible for health and safety?


Every member of the force has responsibilities for health and safety. No one is exempt:

  • The Chief Constable has overall responsibility for health and safety in the force.
  • Divisional Commanders and Departmental Heads are responsible for health and safety in their areas or departments.
  • On Division, the Operational Superintendent is responsible for the management of health and safety in the operational environment.
  • Business managers are responsible for the day-to-day management of health and safety in an area or department.
  • Personnel managers have responsibility for the training of staff on health and safety issues, and the reporting of accidents etc.
  • Line managers, such as Inspectors, Sergeants, office managers and team leaders, are responsible for issues under their immediate control.
  • Individual members of staff have a responsibility for their own health and safety and the health and safety of others in the workplace who may be affect by their acts or omissions.


Is there a safety committee, which deals with Health and Safety and Welfare issues, in Sussex Police?


There is a Force Health and Health and Safety Board, which has overall responsibility for dealing with health and safety issues across the Force.

Also, all areas and departments have health and safety committees, which are responsible for dealing with local health and safety issues.


How am I represented on health and safety matters?


On issues of health, safety and welfare within Sussex Police, staff are represented by safety representatives appointed by The Police Federation.


I want advice on a health and safety issue, who do I contact?


You should contact the following:

  • Your immediate supervisor, i.e. your Sergeant or Team Leader.
  • Your Group Supervisor, i.e. your Inspector or Office Manager.
  • The person locally appointed as having responsibility for health and safety.
  • The force Health and Safety Team.


Sussex Police Federation Health and Safety Lead is Gary Jacobs and you can make contact with him on - gary.jacobs@polfed.org


Useful Documents:

Acpo Health and Safety Guidance

Advice on Cannabis Handling, Retention and Transportation

Advice on Blood Borne Viruses

Check lists for H&S Reps

Consulting Safety Reps - ACPO

Driving at Work

Health and safety law

Health and safety regulation .... a short guide

Health and Safety at Work, etc. Act 1974

Health and Safety issues in flooded areas

HSC Enforcement policy statement

l146 - consulting workers on H&S - Safety representatives and safety committees Regulations 1977

Managment of Health and Safety at Work (Amendment) Regulation 2006

NG13 NICE Guidance 20150624

NICE guidance on health and wellbeing

PFEW Health & Safety Policy

Police Mental Heath Guide 2010

Regulations, Codes of Practice and Guidance relating to Safety Reps and Committees

Role Responsibility of a Health & Safety Leader

Safety Reps and Safety Committees Regs 'Brown Book' March 2015

Striking the balance between operational and health and safety duties in the Police Service

The Management Health and Safety Regulations 1999

Time off for union health and safety representatives

TUC 25788 Safety Reps Brown Book 2015 Final single pages no crops

TUC Guidance on Wellbeing at work

TUC Tackling Workplace Stress

Working Time Regulations Manual 2010

