90 days from today is Thu, 05 June 2025

Sussex Police Federation


Discipline Lead: Carrie O' Connor - carrieanne.oconnor@polfed.org


Policing is a complex and difficult job and unfortunately, it can bring us into situations from which complaints or allegations of misconduct can arise. Allegations against members do not always arise from complaints from the public. There are instances where members may be suspected of having committed a criminal or disciplinary offence either as a result of a complaint, an allegation from a fellow Officer or from some other source, which may result in a formal investigation. In any such case, members may be subject to both a criminal investigation and an internal disciplinary investigation. Where there is a criminal investigation a member has the same rights as any individual who is investigated for an alleged criminal offence under the provisions of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984


A member has the right to consult with a Federation "friend" at all stages of the investigation. It is important to seek advice at the earliest possible stage and certainly prior to making any formal statement.


All officers who become aware that a complaint has been made against them, or are under criminal investigation, should immediately seek advice from their Federation representative, before making any statements, written or verbal, or answering any questions. If at any time they are pressed by investigating officers to answer questions, etc., they should politely reply that they have been advised to first consult a 'friend'. They should also state that they wish a 'friend' or in appropriate cases their legal advisor to be present at any interview.


Sussex Police Federation has a strong team of trained Federation Friends across all Divisions and Departments. If you are subject of a complaint or believe that your conduct may be investigated, then I strongly advise you to seek Federation assistance and advice at the earliest opportunity. 


It is important for a member to seek advice at the earliest possible stage and certainly prior to making any formal statement. The full extent of the allegation may not be known until notice of the allegation is served in writing under Regulation 17 of the Police (conduct) Regulations 2020. If Regulation 17 papers are served on you it is important that you permit Sussex Police to notify your staff association (Federation). This allows Professional Standards Department the option to send the allegation across to the Federation and reach out to support members.


What to do if you get a Reg 17?

If you are served Reg 17 papers, from the moment you sign them, the clock starts ticking and you have 10 working days to complete and send in your Reg 18 response. Therefore, it is vitally important and very much in your own interests that you notify the Federation Office at caseadmin.sussex@polfed.org as soon as you know or believe that you may be under investigation. We can assigned you a Federation Friend to help complete your Reg 18 response and support you with the entire investigation. Delay in notifying can put you at risk.


Please remember the advice given here is only basic - you should ALWAYS consult one of the qualified Federation Representatives.