90 days from today is Thu, 12 June 2025
Respite breaks are available to members of the Welfare Fund (past and present) at Fallbarrow Park or Limefitt Park in the Lake District.
A slightly more limited amount of breaks are also available to members of the Group Insurance Scheme who may not, for whatever reason, be members of the Welfare Fund.
Please contact the Federation office to enquire on 01904 909483. Further information on the properties is available here.
PMAS is also able to offer respite breaks:
There are many reasons that members of the police family need to take time out. You may be recovering from an illness, dealing with a mental health problem or coping with the impact of trauma, injury, stress or loss. Perhaps you’re retired and either suffering from or caring for someone with dementia.
Quick links to information on the national Police Federation website:
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