90 days from today is Thu, 26 June 2025
11 February 2025
Lund Bennett Family Law appointed to North Wales Police Federation Service Provider
With a wealth of experience in dealing with police divorce and children law matters having represented police officers for almost two decades, Lund Bennett Law have been selected on the panel for North Wales Police Federation to support federation members, police staff, volunteers and their families with any family law issue.
“Clients don’t just come to us for legal advice, they come to us for the way that advice is delivered. We never forget that we are dealing with a person’s life but that doesn’t mean to say that we don’t fight hard to win.”
What do Lund Bennett offer to the Police Federation Members?
Lund Bennett Law solicitors are bi-lingual in English and Welsh and are dedicated to providing police officers, police staff, volunteers and all family members a value-added service which is adaptable to meet individual needs, and progress at a pace that is right for you.
They offer a fixed fee for a fully represented divorce at £600 (+VAT and Disbs). This includes a member of their legal team conducting your divorce for you from start to finish. They draft and lodge all court documents on your behalf and take responsibility for all correspondence with the court, your spouse, and their solicitors.
They also offer 20% off their current hourly rates for police officers, police staff, volunteers and their families in addition to a Free First Appointment at a time and venue convenient for you.
What services do Lund Bennett Law advise on?
The team at Lund Bennett are equipped to advise on all family law matters taking into account every aspect of police culture, pay, pensions and shift pattern essential to ensure the best results for you.
They provide specialist advice and representation on matters concerning:
How to book your free appointment
Hollie Aspinall from Lund Bennett Family Law will be holding a regular monthly surgeries at North Wales Federation office and at Llay (dates listed below). Please contact the federation to book your appointment
Alternatively, you can contact Hollie direct at Lund Bennett Solicitors to book your free appointment at their offices or via telephone on 0161 924 0079 / e-mail Hollie@lundbennett.co.uk
Family Law Surgery dates 2025
Tuesday 18th February Central
Tuesday 25th February Llay
Thursday 13th March Central
Thursday 27th March Llay
Thursday 17th April Central
Tuesday 29th April Llay
Quick links to information on the national Police Federation website:
© 2023 Police Federation. All rights reserved.