Leicestershire  Police Federation

Leicestershire Police Federation reacts to General Election result

8 July 2024


Leicestershire Police Federation reacts to General Election result


The new Government needs to make policing a priority, Leicestershire Police Federation has said – especially when it comes to pay, conditions and recruitment.

Andy Spence, Chair of Leicestershire Police Federation, said: “We welcome the new Government, but ask that they make policing the priority that it should be – this is long overdue.

“We look forward to them delivering on the 13,000 officers that they have promised in their manifesto, but we ask that this is funded by the Government so that the depleted policing budgets don’t suffer further.”

He continued: “Officers told the last Government about the appalling pay they receive and the conditions that they face, along with the shockingly lenient sentences given to those who attack the police. We hope that this Government recognises that all this
needs urgent attention.”


July 2024