Leicestershire  Police Federation

£10,000 raised by the East Midlands Chapter of the Police Unity Tour for the Care of Police Survivors Charity

29 July 2019


Leicestershire Police Federation Deputy Secretary Jon Carter-Lang said the event was really important to the Federation and to the service as a whole.

He took part in the Unity Tour bike ride which raises funds for the COPS charity.

“The Unity Tour is really important to me, especially this year because we’ve doubled the size of our chapter,” he said.

“We’ve got Survivors riding with us. It’s been hard because we had a new route, lots of hills, and the weather’s been rubbish.

“This weekend is the culmination of the ride so, when the weather has been really awful this is what makes it rewarding for you and this is what keeps you going throughout.

"Especially the second day, when everyone’s knackered anyway. This is what makes you carry on.”

The East Midlands chapter exceeded its fundraising target too.

“We’ve raised over £10,000 this year, I think. Our target was £10,000, so we smashed it which is really good,” he said.


July 2024