90 days from today is Wed, 11 June 2025
25 October 2021
PC Rachel Bradford is a new Police Federation Representative in Kent – she discusses why he wanted to take up the role
Q) What’s your role in Kent Police?
A) I’m a school’s police officer. I’ve been an officer for just under three years, and I’ve just been elected as a Fed Rep for Maidstone. Before joining the police I was in a corporate job in London, but I wasn’t enjoying myself. My dad was a PC in the Met for 16 years and he had a massive influence on me. I think I have a lot of the same attributes as him.
Q) Why did you decide to become a Federation rep?
A) My dad was a Fed rep and he encouraged me to consider joining the Federation at some point in my career. Having had limited experience in the job so far, I have noticed some things I feel I could make a little bit of a positive change to, and it would be nice to have an influence, especially on some of the new officers coming through who are a lot younger than me.
Q) What sort of things would you like to influence?
A) I think it’s important for young people in the job to realise what they can and can’t do in the role, and that it’s okay to say ‘No’, and challenge things – especially to senior ranks, which there isn’t much of a culture of at the moment. I want to encourage that confidence, to be able to have tricky conversations sometimes.
Q) What have you learned so far?
A) There’s so much to learn. Officers are entitled to so many things, and I think because there’s so much information it’s not always easy to access it and know what you’re entitled to. So, I’m looking forward to sharing that information with officers back at station.
Q) What would you say to colleagues who have questions or concerns?
A) Definitely come and have a chat with your Fed Rep. If you don’t know who your rep is, look on the Kent Police Federation website. Sometimes if you just ask around in the station, you might not always get accurate information, as policy regulations change quite a lot.
Q) What are you hoping to achieve in your time as a Fed Rep?
A) To learn as much as possible by going on as many courses that are available to me, and to help as many officers as possible. It’s really important that members know we’re here to support them. If you’re being investigated for something it’s quite invasive, and it’s important to have that support network around you and people who know the world you live in.
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