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Kent Police Federation

Kent Police rated "outstanding" by HMICFRS

17 January 2019

Statistics that show Kent officers are recording an extra 25,400 crimes a year shows the need for proper investment in policing, Chairman Chris Carter has said.

A report by HMICFRS released this week rates Kent Police as "outstanding" in the way it records crime.

But the report also shows the huge increase in the number of crimes being recorded by Kent officers.

Chris said: "It’s a good job by the force but shows the hard work and extra demand being placed on officers as they record and deal with a lot of extra crime.

"It demonstrates the need for proper investment in policing."

HMICFRS found Kent Police had made excellent progress in how it records incidents involving violent crimes and serious sexual offences.

HM Inspector of Constabulary Zoe Billingham said: "An earlier crime-recording inspection showed that there was significant room for improvement in this area.

"But this revisit has shown us that the force really has gone above and beyond to fix the problems we found.

"To go from inadequate to outstanding is proof that a force can really excel with the right focus and some hard graft.

“This is a notable achievement and I congratulate the force for turning a weakness into a real strength."
