90 days from today is Wed, 25 December 2024

Kent Police Federation

Mike's Story

29 March 2023

I joined Kent Police in 2007 I vaguely remember having an input from the Benevolent Fund though I have to admit that some 17 years later had all but forgotten about the range of ways that the Fund can support officers.


Fast forwards 16 years and whilst in in mid 40s I was foolish enough to enter a Tough Mudder style adventure race with my 16 years old son. I Largely learnt that I am not as brave as I used to be nor as athletic/flexible/fit/ the list goes on though after a 12 foot fall into water landing on my upper back with my body concertinaing on top of me I also learnt that I don’t bend or heal like I used to either. After 2/3 recovery this injury was aggravated once more whilst on duty resulting in a tremendous amount of back pain rendering me unable to move let alone walk.


After a testing time between NHS/101/Hospital I was informed by all that an MRI was required which was echo’d by the Force Physio before I was treated in any way. An MRI was requested with a 2 to 3 month lead time. At this point I was reminded about the Benevolent Fund. In one phone call the relief I felt was amazing. I was informed that £250 could be covered by the BF for a scan though I already knew my back injury required a double scan to the injury being between lower and mid back. To my further amazement I was then told in this case a contribution of half could be given. Suddenly a £700 private scan that could be booked that week would cost me £350. This contribution made an impossible to cover amount achievable and I had the scan that week and the £350 in my bank account the following day. Amazing.


Once the scan was in then more good things could follow. I could be treated by the Force Physio, I could look to book Flint House and more importantly once the scan had been analysed I knew that this was an injury I could in time recover from and get treatment for rather than waiting 2/3 months for a NHS scan. Prior to the scan I had been worried about being able to walk again let alone exercise or work. I had serious concerns about my Job role being jeopardy and was in a bad place though the support of the Benevolent Fund built the foundation of my path to recovery.


The Benevolent Fund even put a cherry on top of the experience by covering the fuel costs for my Travel to Flint House.