90 days from today is Sat, 22 March 2025

Avon & Somerset Police Federation

World Aids Day 2020

1 December 2020

World Aids Day 2020 is an important day for us as an organisation and for your Federation, which will not only bring an increased awareness to our staff, but it also aims to remove some of the associated stigma. Aids has claimed the lives of over 35 million people across the world and yet it is still something that is not widely discussed or known about. Within an organisation that strives to be diverse and inclusive, we need to support such days and look to increase our personal knowledge and understanding. Within the Federation we value the necessity for being truly reflective of our members and the work force. The Police Federation in Avon and Somerset is now the most diverse and inclusive it has ever been, but we want to do more! Being part of these days, supporting them and the need for all of us to understand is such a big step forward.

These days demonstrate a genuine commitment to equality and diversity, whilst looking to support those officers and staff members who are living with HIV.

The below link is a recent Federation article that discusses the myths and rumours associated with HIV. It is important to know how we can live with HIV, work with HIV and fully understand how it is transmitted, especially with some people who try to “weaponise” HIV. Use the day to reflect and then use the information so to enhance that personal knowledge.
