90 days from today is Fri, 06 June 2025

Avon & Somerset Police Federation

Hollie Guard - a valuable safety tool and helpful evidence gatherer for law enforcement agencies

23 June 2021

Following on from Chief Inspector Sharon Baker's award PFEW Women in Policing Award, she presented Nick Gazzard whose daughter Hollie was murdered by her partner.
Nick spoke powerfully about his beautiful daughter and how the signs of domestic abuse can be easily missed. The trust he has started in her name has created a phone app called Hollie Guard which allows people to covertly alert emergency contacts that they're in trouble whilst simultaneously informing them of their location.
Whilst alerting friends or family, the phone will record and share video and audio footage so the contact can call for the police and give an accurate account of what's happening. A valuable safety tool and helpful evidence gatherer for law enforcement agencies.
Please download this free app and help protect yourself and those you love.