90 days from today is Sat, 22 March 2025

Avon & Somerset Police Federation

Have your say on Trust and Confidence in the Force: Message from Vice Chair Iain Prideaux

29 November 2023

“Dear colleagues, in June 2023 our Chief Constable Sarah Crew declared the Constabulary institutionally racist. Understandably, this created many reactions from feeling shock, insult and concern that it could undermine policing in the community to relief, pride and belief that policing could improve.  

 “Your branch of the Federation does not support the Chief Constable’s declaration but we do support the work being done to challenge and root out all forms of racism from our service.  

 “Six months on, Chief Inspector Ronnie Lungu is meeting the Chief Constable on 5th December 2023 for a Q&A session and he would value your questions.  

 “As the Constabulary’s Trust and Confidence Lead, Ronnie will challenge CC Sarah Crew to explore in more depth her rationale and vision for the Constabulary moving forward. Please take this opportunity to ask your questions either directly to Ronnie on Ronald.Lungu@avonandsomerset.police.uk or if you prefer, through me at IPrideaux@avonsom.polfed.org  

 “Are there perspectives you feel have not been considered, did the declaration make it more difficult or easier to police our communities and how can policing move forward?  

 "Thank you, Iain”