90 days from today is Thu, 12 June 2025

Wiltshire Police Federation

Wiltshire Police Federation Chair: I am so proud of how my colleagues have responded the challenges of policing Covid-19

11 January 2021

Wiltshire Police Federation Chair Mark Andrews on the challenges Lockdown 3 is bringing to policing and the reality of what officers are facing as they work to keep people safe from Covid-19.

Mark said: “I have been so proud of how Wiltshire Police Officers have dealt with the pandemic. They have always tried to educate and encourage people to follow the rules before considering issuing any penalty. It is however important to remember there is a significant increase in transmission with the new variant of Covid-19 and I would ask all within Wiltshire to remember this when they are considering what they are doing. 

“I trust the vast majority of Wiltshire residents to have the common sense to adhere to the rules as this has been the case in the past. For the minority who continue to put others at risk by their inconsiderate behaviour then I would remind them to stay at home unless they are allowed to leave due to one of the exceptions (available on www.gov.uk/coronavirus) and I plead with them to follow this guidance.

“If despite this people continue to breach the legislation expect our officers to deal with them in a way which will ensure safety of all.”
