90 days from today is Thu, 12 June 2025
17 November 2021
Phil Matthews is standing to be Chair of Wiltshire Police Federation.
The Election runs from today (17 November) until the end of the month. Members should look on their work emails for details of how to place their vote.
Why do you want to be the Chair of Wiltshire Police Federation?
We have a wonderful unique and very small force. I have worked within our Federation for a number of years and I love what we can achieve. I am bidding for the Chair’s position in the hope that I can effect change at a strategic level to create the best possible working conditions for our members.
Can you provide a swift summary of your career/experience?
Starting in the Metropolitan Police in 2003 in Hackney, I moved to Armed response for a few years and then to Wiltshire in 2012. I became the first duel role officer for ARG and Traffic in Wiltshire. I then returned to response in Trowbridge before taking over a team in Chippenham.
What qualities do you possess for the role of Chair?
I would consider myself one of our most active Reps. I have formed excellent working relationships with our management teams and other departments such as HR and the like. I have dealt with all manner of issues for our members from fairness and equality to conduct and performance and everything in between. I like to think I am a strong negotiator and I have the experience to feel comfortable challenging any rank in the right way. I will always take ownership and will see any matter to its conclusion.
What is your manifesto for the next 3 years?
As we deliver the force out of the pandemic I intend to be as involved as possible in ensuring the safest and smoothest transition to the new ‘Norm’. I plan to increase the public awareness of our amazing officers’ good work. I aim to create a strong and visible presence for the Federation across the force so that our members know all the good work our Reps can do for them, along with this I want to be more vocal about the good work we do. I will push accountability and ownership within our management structures and departments. There are too many policies to list here that need review, but it is my intention to seek reviews to policy where necessary and devote my energy to ensuring our force is fair and just with our members. I want to exemplify availability and accessibility to our members, and I want to create recognition for the work our Reps do.
Where do you think Wiltshire Police Federation will be in 3 years’ time, if you are elected Chair?
If I am elected as the Chair for Wiltshire Police, I see our Federation being a strong and recognisable brand in three years’ time. I see our force working more closely with the Federation and taking more notice of our advice.
Quick links to information on the national Police Federation website
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