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Wiltshire Police Federation

Police and Crime Commissioner survey asking for more public funds to end in one week

24 January 2019

Swindon Advertiser

A SURVEY asking if the public are happy to pay more council tax for extra police officers will end in a week.

The police and crime commissioner for Wiltshire and Swindon has put it to the public to ask if they are willing to pay £2 for more police officers.

Currently the average Wiltshire household contributes £15.19 per month to local policing, but if residents and local businesses back the proposal then this would rise to £17.19 per month.

Angus Macpherson said the extra funds could be used to recruit more officers and fight cyber criminals.

"Last year, with resident's support, I promised to maintain frontline policing numbers after several years of seeing a decrease," he said.

"This year, if you agree to this precept rise, I will recruit 41 more officers and two dedicated cyber-crime staff.

"It's always a difficult decision to increase the precept, but it is necessary if we want more police officers."

The consultation will run until 31st January 2019
