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West Mercia Police Federation

Officers won’t be prioritised in first phase of jab roll-out

9 February 2021

West Mercia Police Federation chair Sarah Cooper has signed an open letter sent by all Federation branches across England and Wales criticising the Governments in Westminster and Cardiff for failing to give police officers prioritised access in the current vaccine roll-out programme.

Officers up and down the country have expressed their growing concerns after the health secretary confirmed during yesterday evening’s press briefing that the police service would not be considered for any prioritisation until first phase of the jab programme was completed. This would mean they would be called for the jab according to their age bracket.

Matt Hancock’s comments have caused uproar across the Police Federations, with Sarah saying she is appalled that calls to give officers prioritised access to the vaccine have fallen on deaf ears. 

“I’m shocked that our officers, who are risking their health on a daily basis, to keep the public safe, are still not being made a priority to protect them from this deadly virus,” said Sarah, “They are not only just putting their health and wellbeing on the line but also know that there is a real risk of them taking the virus back to their families or passing it on to the public as they go about their duties.

“When you consider the number of people who are also weaponising the virus by spitting or coughing over officers while claiming to have Covid, you can really understand why the Federation has been campaigning for officers to be prioritised, after the most vulnerable people in our communities and frontline NHS and care staff, for the jab.

“Like my colleagues, not just at West Mercia, but nationwide, I feel betrayed by the lack of action from the Governments of England and Wales on this issue.”

Sarah added: “It’s not even guaranteed that all officers will be given priority after the first nine groups currently listed. The health secretary only said that frontline officers will be considered for prioritised access to the vaccination in the next phase, which is totally unacceptable.”

The letter, which accuses the Westminster and Cardiff Governments of dereliction of duty, quotes guidance from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation, stating that ‘frontline health and social care workers at high risk of acquiring infection, at high risk of transmitting infection to multiple vulnerable persons or other staff in a healthcare environment, are considered of high priority for vaccination than those at lower risk’. 

“The risks presented to our members show that this guidance applies to them,” it continues, “The nature of policing means our members are not always able to mitigate the risk of contracting and spreading this deadly virus.”

Highlighting the level of risk to officers, the letter goes on to explain that one in three have reported being threatened by somebody claiming to have Covid.

“The level of incidents of people weaponising the virus – by coughing or spitting at them – has increased considerably during the pandemic," it reads.

“Police officers are putting their lives on the line every day and run a very real risk of becoming infected and exposing colleagues, family members, as well as the public.”

Following the success of the current vaccination programme, it would take less than a day to vaccinate the entire police service across England and Wales, the letter states.

“Police officers have done everything asked of them during this pandemic,” the letter continues, ending: “Now it is time for the Government to step up and protect those who have been on the frontline throughout this pandemic and continue to do so.

“Anything less would be a deep betrayal and will not be forgiven or forgotten.”