90 days from today is Mon, 09 June 2025

West Mercia Police Federation

Flint House Rehab Centre

8 July 2020

To keep you and your Federation members updated the following update is for all in Policing who are involved in officer wellbeing and welfare at this challenging time.

Following the latest Government advice regarding COVID -19 we are unable to accept or hold application forms for residential treatments.

We are working hard to ensure that the Centre is safe for staff and ready to receive patients on site as soon as it is safe to do so.

However we have adapted our approach to work with patients via the internet, dealing both with the backlog of Attendance Applications booked in for whilst lockdown was in force, and now those going forward.

Our clinical teams have now been in contact with all our patients who had to have their treatment periods cancelled and remote treatments have been offered where appropriate. We contacted all 453 patients that were due to attend the centre and were cancelled due to Covid-19.

As of today 226 of those patients accepted the offer of a teleconsultation service and are actively under ongoing treatment. 9 of those patients have made a full recovery and have been discharged.

The Centre would now like to invite patients who wish to receive treatment to complete an application form in the normal manner. These forms will then be reviewed by our clinical teams & remote treatment offered if deemed appropriate.

There is a wealth of Flint House generated advice and treatment actions that can individually be undertaken whilst at home on YouTube and via our social media Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Our brand-new monthly newsletter with regular information, events, and interest postings about our Flint House team and fundraising support among other topics is now available by signing up for free now.

The Centre would be highly appreciative if these links could be shared on your intra nets and web pages where possible to maximise the opportunity to inform officers what we can still do for them.

Thank you for your support of The Police Rehabilitation Centre, by ensuring as many officers are made aware of the Centre, what is does for them and thus encouraging donation.

Access to Flint House is included in your Welfare membership. To join the Welfare fund please complete and return the application form to staff@wmpf.polfed.org 

Lastly but by no means least of all anybody over the age of 16 can support the Centre by playing in our Monthly Cash Prize Lottery draw. This takes place on the 28th of each month, each entry is just £1.00, and you can have as many as you wish up to a maximum of £25. All winners are automatically notified, and cheques sent out if you have won one of the seven prizes that range from £1000 to £50.

Should you or anybody you know like to support the Centre by partaking in the draw entry can be completed on-line.   

Once again thank you for your support and cannot stress how vital it is for officers to support Flint House not only as a safeguard for themselves but also colleagues should injury or sickness occur.

Web: http://www.flinthouse.co.uk