90 days from today is Wed, 11 June 2025

West Mercia Police Federation

Alt-Berg Boots

8 July 2020

Alt-Berg are a British company and we manufacture boots in two factories.  Our home factory is in Richmond, North Yorkshire and our second factory is in the Treviso region of Northern Italy.

The senior Alt-Berg bootmaker shares his time between both factories, which use the same lasts, materials and manufacturing processes.

We manufacture boots for use worldwide and have been making boots for UK police forces for over 20 years.  We are proud to carry forward a great tradition of bootmaking.

Tried and tested in the toughest of conditions for over 20 years, Alt-Berg manufactures police boots for all kinds of police use, including: general duties; special ops; rural use; public order; motorcycling; ladies specific.

Alt-Berg, the Yorkshire bootmakers, are offering exclusive discounts to Police Federation members on their whole range of high-quality police boots.

The full range of Alt-Berg Police Boots can be viewed on their dedicated ‘mini-site

How to obtain the discounts

This site and the exclusive discounts offered are password protected for viewing by Police Federation Members only. 

To receive the password please go to https://westmerciapolfed.perkjam.com/index.asp and register/log in. Once logged in you can obtain the discount details. 

Altberg Police Federation Prices 2020