Leicestershire  Police Federation

Andy Spence is the new Acting Chair of Leicestershire Police Federation

11 April 2024


Andy Spence is the new Acting Chair of Leicestershire Police Federation


Andy Spence is the new Acting Chair of Leicestershire Police Federation as Nadia Rana returns to the role of Vice Chair – and is elected to speak for officers as a Regional Representative.

Andy said: “I am grateful to be given the opportunity to become the Acting Chair of Leicestershire Police Federation. In this position I will continue the vital work that Nadia has carried out over the last nine months.

“I’m looking forward to speaking up for our members and being their voice. Highlighting the fantastic work they do in fighting crime and protecting people and the reality and daily challenges we face.

“These are often – perhaps deliberately – forgotten by politicians of all parties. So in this important year of elections, it’s vital that the nature of our work and how far we have fallen behind when it comes to pay and conditions is recognised.

“And rectified.”

Andy – who is also Federation Conduct and Performance Lead - added: “I am also really keen that officers are aware of the workforce pledge that has been brought in. This is a pledge that the Federation will support officers who have been subjected to harm as a result of misconduct or criminal offence from another officer.

“Since this was implemented in June this offer has been extended to over 40 officers to support them in criminal and/or misconduct cases against other officers. This has already resulted in victims being supported through processes.

“The Federation will work with the force to put victims at the heart of the report."

He concluded: “I would like to congratulate Nadia on becoming the BAME additional National Police Federation Council member for our region.”

Nadia said: “I’ve really enjoyed my time as Acting Chair, working with lots of great people and representing all the hard working officers in Leicestershire Police.

“I’m fortunate and looking forward to carry on being a voice for my colleagues on a National stage, as well as continuing to support Andy, the board and Leicestershire Police officers as the Federation Vice Chair.”


July 2024