Leicestershire  Police Federation

Pension challenge: ‘we need to tackle discrimination’

3 January 2019

Leicestershire Police Federation chair Dave Stokes is seeking to offer reassurance to members over the legal challenge to the provisions of the latest police pension scheme.

The 2015 pension is a Career Average Revalued Earnings (CARE) scheme and is widely unpopular among Federation members.

The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) sought legal advice when it was introduced but, advised that it would have little chance of success, decided not to challenge the Government.

However, Dave is one of hundreds of officers from across the country to have joined a legal challenge mounted by Leigh Day solicitors.

“I’m an older officer who has tapered protection on the 1987 Police Pension Scheme. By the very definition of this protection, I am not as affected as some of my colleagues who – under the CARE scheme - will have to work much longer for less pension,” Dave explains.

“But nevertheless I joined the Leigh Day challenge. Why? Well, it’s really simple - because I believe the Government did a brilliant job of causing divide.

“The changes in police pensions were clearly discriminative in terms of age and were patently unfair. I, like many others, did question why the national Federation did not challenge the Government in a similar way to Leigh Day, which is why I was happy to pay any legal fees incurred to me by joining the solicitors’ action. 

“So, let me be clear, as your local Federation chair, I have been elected to ensure fairness and challenge discrimination, which is what I will do.”

Dave adds: “I totally accept that this may cause some concern to those who benefit from tapered protection but I believe that success will be for all and not to the detriment of those given this protection.  

“I will ensure that I engage with as many members as I can this week and next, offering updates and to capture local and national views.”





January 2025