Leicestershire  Police Federation

Leicestershire Police Federation wish members a Merry Christmas in festive message

23 December 2019

I’d like to start by wishing all Leicestershire Police officers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

This year we have had a huge focus on Officer Welfare. The health and wellbeing of colleagues is vitally important.

Little initiatives like our new Wellbeing Fund designed to help officers switch off from the stresses of work.

The Fund offers an allowance to Leicestershire Federation members in order for them to have the opportunity to take a step away from the high-pressure environment of policing and decompress effectively from work.

More info here https://www.polfed.org/leics/news/2019/leicestershire-police-federation-launch-new-wellbeing-fund/

2020 is likely to be a busy year in policing.

The Queen's Speech announced the Police Protections and Powers Bill, a Police Covenant and a Royal Commission to examine the efficiency/effectiveness of the criminal justice system.

It also confirmed measures to allow Special Constables to join the Police Federation and plans for a new test to assess a police officer’s standard of driving, so this can be considered during an investigation.

We welcome this backing from a new Government/Parliament that seems to be willing to offer the “top cover” to police officers which is much needed.

Our Taser survey continues and the results will be published in the New Year – we would encourage all officers to fill it in if you have not yet done so - please check your email.

We also look forward to our police numbers going up by 89 in the Government’s officer uplift.

Whilst many officers will be celebrating Christmas at hone with families, let’s spare a thought for our colleagues and families who are working Christmas and the New Year to keep us safe.

Merry Christmas


Dave Stokes.



January 2025