Leicestershire  Police Federation

Federation Supports New Parents At 'Keep In Touch Day'

9 December 2019


Federation Supports New Parents At 'Keep In Touch Day'


We’ve been helping new parents get back to work, giving advice and support at Leicestershire Police force’s third Keep In Touch (KIT) day.

Nadia Rana, Leicestershire Police Federation’s Equality Lead, said: “Police officers and staff often feel really vulnerable when they return to work. In the police, as soon as you’re pregnant you’re taken off your team, so it’s an even longer period that you’re without your network. It can be up to two years that you’re working in a completely different environment.

“Then you come back to work after your maternity or parental leave, back on the unit where you were originally, and it could be a whole new team of people, a new supervisor, new policies and procedures."

Officers and staff on maternity and parental leave came to the KIT day, many bringing their babies with them. They received information about flexible working, pensions, and the logistics of childcare. There was a play area and Santa even made a special appearance.

“A lot of people didn’t realise what support was out there,” said Nadia. “They were thinking, ‘Am I going to get this flexi-pattern? What am I going to do when I get back?’ We reassured them and gave them the information they needed. We had over 50 people there this time, coming and going throughout the day.

“Events like this make people think, ‘Actually, I can come back.’ It was a really positive day.”


January 2025