Leicestershire  Police Federation

Tiff gains national Federation position

31 August 2018

Leicestershire Police Federation chair Tiff Lynch has been elected as a member of the new Police Federation National Board.

This means Tiff, who has been Leicestershire chair since 2014, will relinquish her local role.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as chair,” says Tiff, “I believe I have achieved a great deal and taken the local branch forward so that it is not just better serving members’ needs but also has a stronger presence nationally. I think we are now working far more effectively and efficiently so I believe I am leaving Leicestershire Police Federation in a much better position than it was four years ago.

“Despite taking on this national position, I intend to continue to work closely with the branch and our regional and national colleagues to further build on this.”

Under Tiff’s leadership, the Leicestershire branch has been at the forefront of the Federation’s nationwide Protect the Protectors campaign on officer assaults and worked very closely with the Force to initiate the 10-point pledge on officer and staff assaults. She also helped the Force develop a spit guard that offers better protection to front-line officers.

Tiff has already served on the national Federation’s Change Board, which worked on the reform of the Police Federation of England and Wales, and is secretary of the Parliamentary Working Group, a role that will continue to enable her to inform and influence MPs and members of the House of Lords.

“I am looking forward to my new role and wish my successor, branch secretary Matt Robinson and all the Leicestershire Police Federation representatives every success as they continue to do their best to represent our members and negotiate on their behalf,” says Tiff.

“I am proud to be a Leicestershire officer and remain committed to serving the membership.”

Members of the Leicestershire Police Federation Branch Council will now be asked if they want to stand as chair with an election being held if more than one candidate comes forward.

Please look out for further updates. 

The 22 representatives from across England and Wales making up the new National Board.



January 2025