Leicestershire  Police Federation

‘Policing urgently needs more money’

25 October 2018

MPs on the powerful Home Affairs Select Committee (HASC) have called for increased funding for policing and also urged the Home Office to do more to protect and promote the welfare of the police workforce.   

The demands come in the latest HASC report Policing for the Future published today.   

On the issue of funding, the report, which includes 54 conclusions and recommendations, states: “The Government must be clear and accurate about police funding, and the resource pressures facing forces.”   

And it concludes: “Policing urgently needs more money. We strongly recommend that police funding is prioritised in both the upcoming budget and the next CSR (Comprehensive Spending Review).”   

The report also highlights the impact of policing on officers’ health, wellbeing and family life, with the committee putting on record its ‘immense gratitude’ to police officers, PCSOs, specials and police staff, for their service, explaining: “Recent figures on police officer morale and welfare paint a picture of a service under severe strain, which causes us serious concern.”   

Dave Stokes, chair of Leicestershire Police Federation, has welcomed the report and says it should serve as yet another wake-up call for the Government and the Home Office. 

“The Federation has been warning for years that the Government’s cuts programme would have consequences and this report shows that some MPs at least are starting to acknowledge the link between reduced funding, reduced officer numbers and increased crime and a decline in officer wellbeing,” he explains. 

“We have heard the Home Secretary talk about his commitment to prioritising police funding in the next Comprehensive Spending Review and the police minister has also recognised that we need extra money if we are to meet changing demands but we now need to see them put their words into actions.   

“HASC says the current structure and funding model for policing in England and Wales is not fit for purpose and the Government must address that urgently.”   

The Federation’s national vice-chair and welfare lead Ché Donald has also welcomed the report. 

“This report wastes no time in getting straight to the heart of the matter and blames Government for the perilous position that policing now finds itself in. It warns that the Home Office cannot continue to stand back while police forces struggle,” he says. 

“HASC has recognised that not only will there be dire consequences for public safety and criminal justice without significant additional investment in the police service, but it has also recognised our position on the importance of officer welfare. 

“Our ground-breaking Demand, Capacity and Welfare Survey identified years ago that officers were cracking under the strain of working in an over-stretched service, with reduced resources and soaring levels of crime. And if the officers are not supported, the service itself will deteriorate and decline.”   

The Government will publish its latest budget on Monday (29 October).   

Read the full HASC report on policing.


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