Leicestershire  Police Federation

Matt to attend memorial day service

27 September 2018

Leicestershire Police Federation secretary Matt Robinson will be in Belfast on Sunday for the annual National Police Memorial Day service.

The service, which honours fallen officers, is held on the last day of September each year and rotates between England, North Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

This year’s service is being held in Belfast’s Waterfront Hall.

“National Police Memorial Day is one of the most important days in the policing calendar,” says Matt, “It is attended by senior politicians, chief officers, Police and Crime Commissioners and representatives of the Police Federation nationally and locally,” Matt explains.

“During the service, I will reflect and remember the Leicestershire officers who have died while serving our communities.”

Members of fallen officers’ families are invited to light candles of remembrance as part of the service and also read out sections of the ceremony.

The service ends with paper remembrance petals poignantly being released to fall down on the congregation.


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