Leicestershire  Police Federation

Legal changes to PFEW

21 December 2017

The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) is undergoing a series of legal changes to modernise the way it works.

Having commissioned a review into its own practices in 2014, the 36 recommendations that came out of the independent study have been worked through but many have needed legislative change because the PFEW was created by an Act of Parliament.

Recent Parliamentary activity on the subject was, therefore, the culmination of three years of work by officers within the Federation.

Leicestershire Police Federation chairman Tiff Lynch said the changes that were being made were a positive move for the organisation and the officers it represents.

"There has been lots of legal discussion to ensure that the organisation we are shaping for the future is fit for purpose and serves officers and the public well for many years to come," says Tiff.

"The PFEW was set up in 1919 and, obviously, the structures that were put in place back then cannot have the same use in today's society, which has changed beyond recognition over the last 100 years.

"It has been clear that there really is a need to modernise the organisation so that it is fit to support a modern-day police service and, as an organisation, we were committed to implement the recommendations of the review.

"There is much to do but, as the changes begin to take practical shape with the way we work, we will be creating a much more professional Federation that we can all be proud of."

Those changes will involve a new transparency, improved standards of conduct and integrity, improved election procedures and better financial management as well as a concerted drive to improve representation from female and BME groups.

The new legislation is expected to become law by 31 December 2017.


January 2025