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GMP Federation

Statement from Federation Chair Mike Peake following the announcement of General Election on 4 July.

23 May 2024

Statement from GMP Federation Chair Mike Peake following the announcement that there will be a General Election on 4 July.

“My message to the political parties who will battling it out for the power to run the country is quite clear: if they care about public safety, policing must be their top priority.

“Officers in GMP continually work their socks off to protect and keep the local communities safe, and that had work is reflected in the recent HMRCFRS report, which outlines that GMP are the most improved police force in the country.

“Yet the latest PFEW Pay and Morale Survey showed that 92% of GMP officers do not feel respected by the Government, and an alarming 73% say that they would not recommend joining the police to others.

“Whoever takes power in July must address the imbalance of both confidence within policing and deficiencies in police pay.

“Never have police officers been under so much scrutiny, yet officers in GMP do an amazing job and deserve the backing and trust to get on with their job.

“Government pressure has resulted in a culture of trying to find blame in everything that police officers do, this cannot continue if we are to have a police force that is effective in fighting crime.

“Police officers are human and will sometimes get things wrong when they are forced to make split-second decisions. And because of this culture, many are in fear of losing their jobs when making a mistake under pressure. Police officers carry out an incredibly difficult role, and whoever forms the next Government needs to realise that, and back those who are trying to uphold the law in difficult circumstances.

“The Pay and Morale Survey also showed that 22% of GMP officers never or almost never have enough money to cover all their essentials, and 16% say that they intend to leave policing as soon as they can or within the next two years.

“The Social Market Foundation (SMF) have revealed that over the past 13 years, police pay has dropped by 20.2% in real terms. Many GMP officers feel that current police pay is not reflective of the risks and dangers that they face each day.

“If GMP are to attract and retain quality people, then this year’s police pay award must be a significant one. Officers in GMP deserve more pay, and the public deserve a quality service. If these issues are not addressed, then the next Government will have a crisis on their hands.”


June 2024