90 days from today is Sat, 28 September 2024

GMP Federation

Police and public encouraged to have their say on GMP budget

8 January 2024

Greater Manchester Police officers have been praised for driving down crime while the nations’ forces struggle with insufficient police officer numbers and inexperienced officers.  

But the Federation has warned that “long term, the current demand on colleagues unsustainable” and an increased budget is needed to continue these improvements.  

New research has found that the service needs an extra 18,000 police officers just to keep up with population growth since 2010. A study by independent criminal justice think tank Crest Advisory found that there are now just 3.88 officers for every 1,000 people - down from 4.42 in 2010. 

The worrying figures will come under the spotlight in the BBC’s Panorama tonight. 

GMP has made “huge improvements” despite the staffing problems, according to Mike Peake, Federation Chair.  

He said: “GMP remains one of the best police forces in answering 999 and 101 calls. Over 60 per cent more arrests are being made taking criminals off the streets. Neighbourhood teams have reduced crime in general and specifically residential burglary by 25 per cent. Targeted operations against organised criminals have seen large cash seizures and violent crime drop by 50 per cent. 

“These welcomed improvements could not have been achieved without the hard work and dedication of the officers in GMP, who come to work each day to do the best that they can. Even though GMP now has over 8,100 officers my concerns are around burnout, as long term the current demand is unsustainable.  

“Whilst GMP sees great statistical improvement most frontline staff continue to feel the pressure as they are run ragged. Of course, it is important for the focus to be on the public, but it is equally as important to support and look after the workforce, as if there is no focus on officers’ wellbeing or officer numbers then the service to the public will only decline.” 

He added: “I am afraid that it is impossible to do more with less, less will only result in poor morale and a lesser service to the public. The public have made it quite clear that they want to see continued improvements in Greater Manchester, which will be near impossible to achieve without an improved budget.” 

People can have their say on the Mayor’s plans for police funding here 


June 2024