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GMP Federation

Coronavirus risk: 11.8% of Greater Manchester Police have tested positive for Coronavirus

9 March 2021

“1,335 Police Officers and staff in GMP have tested positive for COVID-19. This is 11.8% of our workforce. This is a clear representation of the nature of our job.”

GMP Federation Health & Safety Lead Phil Thomasson discusses why the Federation are seeking legal advice over whether the Government are breaching their duty of care to their ‘employees’ under Health & Safety legislation by refusing to include Police Officers in the vaccination programme. 

Phil says: “I’ve spoken with a number of our members now about the farcical situation regarding Police Officers’ eligibility for the COVID-19 vaccine.  Especially during the initial roll out, it was considered a very sensitive subject and it would have been counter-productive for the Police Federation to ‘compete’ for vaccine prioritisation. 

“National discussion and negotiation remained behind closed doors rather than being highlighted in mainstream media.  The requests made were, and continue to be sensible, respectful and realistic.

“For clarity, Police Officers have no desire to jump the queue. 

“We understand that there are many people out there who would become very ill if they were to get infected however, it must also be noted that Police Officers cannot respond to incidents from the comfort of their own homes and as I have previously said, the nature of our role is incompatible with social-distancing. 

“We also have to be mindful of events in the near future that are going to pose increased risks, especially the reopening of society including the night time economy, the reintroduction of crowds at major sporting events and the G7 summit in Cornwall in June.

“The figures speak for themselves: 4.2 million people in the UK have tested positive for COVID-19. This is 6.2% of the population. 1335 Police Officers and staff in GMP have tested positive for COVID-19. This is 11.8% of our workforce – nearly double.  This disproportionality is a clear representation of the nature of our job.

“We have all seen the shameful decision by the Government department, the Joint Committee on Vaccinations and Immunisation (JCVI). They conclude that Police Officers will not be prioritised for the vaccine because to implement occupational prioritisation would complicate and slow down the vaccination programme. 

“The Government are quite content to hide behind this flawed and one dimensional stance.  A water treatment worker would be offered a Hepatitis B vaccine prior to commencing their employment. Why is it then, that the Government refuse to recognise the risks that Police Officers are taking, simply by coming into work?

“Would those Ministers do our job without a vaccine?  I think not!

“There are 130,000 Police Officers in England and Wales. The vaccination centres around the country are processing approximately 500,000 vaccinations per day, and they are generally open for about 12 hours. 

“This means that in real terms, it would take just over 4 hours to vaccinate every single Police Officer in England and Wales.  This is not slowing down the vaccination programme as the JCVI suggest!

“In Greater Manchester, it’s no secret that our Mass Vaccination Centre at the Etihad is running at about 50% capacity. Additionally, I am told that there is no shortage of vaccinations in Greater Manchester.

“Despite the inconsistent programme for Police Officers to receive whatever residual vaccines there may be at the end of the day, there is still significant wastage. Not only is this inefficient and wasteful, it’s a disgrace to think that the Government are knowingly allowing vaccines to be disposed of. 

“A locally managed delivery system for Police Officers, running concurrently with the existing programme, and based on historic and projected attendance data is all that is required. This is not complicating the vaccination programme as the JCVI suggest!

“I have written to the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor and all MPs within Greater Manchester to highlight the situation and to seek assistance from the very people who can effect change.  I recently had a very productive meeting with Yasmin Qureshi who is the MP for Bolton South East and the Shadow Minister for International Development. 

“Mrs Qureshi was very much in our corner, and visibly shocked at the information I gave her. She has pledged to help our cause by writing to the Health Secretary Matt Hancock, the Chief Medical Officer Professor Chris Whitty, the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for COVID-19 Vaccine Deployment Nadhim Zahawi, the JVCI, and the local media.  I am very grateful to Mrs Qureshi for her kind and considered support on behalf of us all.

“I have also had funding authorised for legal advice to explore whether the Government are breaching their duty of care to their ‘employees’ under Health & Safety legislation by refusing to include Police Officers in the vaccination programme. 

“This joins a wider piece of work being undertaken by PFEW. Let’s see where this takes us but the harsh reality is that we will probably have had the vaccine before the Government meet their responsibilities to us.”


June 2024