90 days from today is Sat, 22 March 2025

Dyfed Powys Police Federation

Group Insurance

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Dyfed Powys Police Federation has for many years operated an insurance scheme for its members. The scheme has been tailored to meet the needs of serving and retired police officers who are Federation members and is a highly competitive package when compared to other products available on the market. The scheme is provided by Phillip Williams Insurance. The scheme is also available for Police Staff

The current policy provides the following cover: 

Life insurance,

Critical illness cover, (increased from £5000 to £10000)

Personal injury cover,

Hospitalisation benefit,

Unsociable hour payback when officer is off on sick,

Sick pay benefit, (increased for 2024)

Worldwide Travel cover with SmartDelay - Airport lounge access if your flight in delayed - more details in policy book.

GP24 – unlimited 24/7 access to a UK based GP wherever you are in the world.

Legal Expenses,

Motor Breakdown,

Mobile Phone Cover,

Emergency dental treatment due to accident,

Unrecovered criminal court compensation

*Updated for 2024* Health Assured - Mental health and bereavement support, plus WISDOM app to track your wellness and improve your mental health

*NEW for 2024* Home Emergency Assistance - Emergency repairs to render your home safe and prevent further damage, further details in policy book.


For serving officers, the scheme subscription is £30.75 per month with an additional £10.50 per month for the optional cohabiting partner extension. 


Upon retirement officers may elect to remain in the scheme and the scheme subscription is then £39.50 per month with an additional £8.95 per month for the optional cohabiting partner extension.


Top Ups available

Additional Life Cover £50,000 £5.50 per month
Additional Life Cover £100,000 £8.50 per month
Additional Critical Illness Cover £25,000 £9.50 per month
Additional Critical Illness Cover £50,000 £15.50 per month


See below for application forms and documentation.  For further information, contact the Federation Office 01267 220731


Useful Telephone numbers:

Motor Breakdown cover 01206812703 or 01603327180
Travel cover - policy number FA4260AHA243
24hr Emergency Assistance 0330 6600548
Non Emergency claims 0330 6600549
Legal Expenses 01384 884120
Mobile Phone cover 0344 4120982
Health Assured 0800 3280003
GP24  0345 2223736  or overseas +44 345 2223736
Phillip Williams 01925 604421
Federation Office

01267 220731

Home Emergency Assistance

0330 303 1195



You can access all documents online at https://www.philipwilliams.co.uk/

Once there, you should then navigate to the 'Group Schemes' section either on the top menu or the first section on the main page. You will then need to register for your specific scheme. This will only need to be done once, after which you will just need to login. 


*New Update* March 2024



*NEW* Group Insurance benefits booklet

*NEW* Travel Policy

Mobile Phone Policy

Vehicle Breakdown Cover

Personal Injury Cover





Application form

Supplementary top up application form

Beneficiary Nomination form

Spouse Beneficial Nomination form