90 days from today is Sat, 28 September 2024

Cleveland Police Federation

PS Matthew Holman, PC Nieve Rusby, PC Natalie Thrower & PC Callum Conroy are being recognised at the forthcoming Cleveland Police Federation Bravery Awards 21st March 24.

15 March 2024

PS Matthew Holman, PC Nieve Rusby, PC Natalie Thrower & PC Callum Conroy are being recognised at the forthcoming Cleveland Police Federation Bravery Awards 21st March 24.

These officers worked together as a team, along with other agencies to save the life of a woman.

On 27 September 2023 a report was received from a member of the public, who reported that a female was at the top of a cliff, sat over the edge and they thought she was going to harm herself. The weather conditions on the night were horrendous, with high winds and inclement weather.

When the officers arrived, the female was sat at the cliff edge, swaying back and forth, vomiting and appeared to be semi-conscious. Efforts were made to engage with the female by the officers and paramedic, but she was reluctant to engage.

She refused numerous requests to move back from the cliff edge.

Due to the female’s behaviour and positioning, it was clear that there was an immediate threat to her life which required rapid intervention. Some quick thinking then took place, and a rope was used to in effect “lasso” the female. The rope was then secured around her, and she was dragged away from the cliff edge.

The female fought and resisted this throughout and then had to be restrained in order to receive the treatment and help she required. Throughout this whole situation the officers can be heard trying to reassure the female and portray that they would there to help her.

The female was transported to hospital where she received medical treatment and the help that she required.

This incident again demonstrates the risk that officers are willing to put themselves at in order to save lives. This situation could have quite easily ended a different way and potentially in tragedy for the person and officers at the scene. The quick thinking and courage of the officers present has undoubtedly saved the life of this female and given her access to much needed help.

Police Officers routinely disregard their own safety to protect others and the communities they serve. Cleveland Police Federation is very humbled and privileged to recognise the acts of bravery and courage they carry out.

If you are affected by this story, please call or contact the Samaritans https://www.samaritans.org/


June 2024