90 days from today is Sun, 11 May 2025
Moving Bank Holidays – Have you got it right?
It is now possible to move a Bank holiday (with the exception of Christmas Day) from the actual day to a day of your choosing (subject to exigencies of duty). Details on how to do this can be found on the Staff Portal. The option to move a BH is only open during the month of October each year.
When you move a Bank Holiday, the day that you are moving reverts to a normal day within your shift pattern. If you are then required to work on that day, it will not be payable at Bank Holiday rates, however your reallocated day will be paid at Bank Holiday rates if you are required to work on that day.
It has become clear that a number of officers have changed Bank Holidays that previously were within a period of leave. If you are one of those officers, you do need to ensure that your leave is correctly accounted for, and that you have not left yourself in a position where you will be required to work. (Please remember that when you move a Bank Holiday, you become the cheap option when officers are required to work on that day, as your hours will not attract double time).
If you have booked a period of leave for 21st Dec to 29th Dec, but you have now decided to reallocate the Bank holiday for 26th Dec to 28th Dec.
This means that 26th Dec will revert to a normal day within your shift pattern. If your shift would normally have been rostered to work on 26th Dec, then this day will revert to a normal working day for you, and you will therefore be required to work at plain time on that day. You will need to re book leave for the 26th Dec if you still want the day off.
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