90 days from today is Sat, 14 June 2025
6 June 2024
Two City of London Police officers who caught a prolific phone thief in a road chase have been praised for their quick thinking and professionalism.
On 26 March, Sonny Stringer snatched 24 phones in one morning in central London, before he and his accomplice rode into the City on electric bikes at dangerous speeds. CCTV footage released on social media has revealed the amazing police work that led to his arrest.
The offenders cut across a pedestrian crossing on their e-bikes at nearly 50mph, narrowly missing one member of the public, while another had to run to avoid being hurt.
Control officers picked up the suspects on the City’s camera network and directed road police officers PC Jordan Smith and PC Joe Little over the radio.
PC Smith, an advanced police driver trained in tactical pursuit and containment (TPAC), drove towards the pair, guided by PC Little’s extensive knowledge of the City’s streets. PC Smith made the operational decision to initiate 'tactical contact' on the rear wheel of Stringer’s electric bike.
The CCTV footage shows that Stringer was about to mount the pavement, heading towards a family pushing a buggy. Stringer came off his bike and attempted to run away, but PC Little followed him and drew his Taser, before restraining him and recovering the phones.
This week Stringer appeared at Isleworth Crown Court and pleaded guilty to 10 thefts, covering 24 phones stolen.
PC Little said: “It was good teamwork between everyone. It all came together with the CCTV, the control room and us being in the right position. It was also lucky we had PC Smith, who was suitably trained to implement that tactic – there are only a few officers with that training.
“It’s nice to get a result and it’s good that the offender has pleaded guilty, but I hope the court gives the right sentence. A lot of police work went into this.”
Mike Reed, Chair of the City of London Police Federation, said: “I commend these brave and fantastic colleagues – they used their skills and professional judgement to arrest this offender and protect the public on our busy streets.”
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