90 days from today is Sat, 14 June 2025

City of London Police Federation

Commissioner Attends Federation Meeting

27 November 2024


The City of London Police Federation has taken the unusual step in inviting the new City of London Police Commissioner Pete O'Doherty to observe their quarterly meeting, so he can see first hand the views of the Reps about the force, the issues and a real prospective of being a cop in the City.

Our agenda included everything from the perception of unbiased PSD investigations, vetting, demand for our members and the risk of suicidal tendencies of members together with the look and feel of the EDI strategy excluding the majority.

The 'warts n all' saw our Fed Reps give honest accounts and the feel of the force. How well intended policies can have unintended effects to wellbeing, operational delivery and individuals.

Chairman Mike Reed said: "At the start of the Commissioner's new role it was the ideal time to invite him to hear from those that represent (and are) the front line as work based reps. There can be a disconnect from policies and aims at the top of the organisation to the implementation and effectiveness at the front line, today was about bridging that gap. 

"The Commissioner aims to make the City Police a better place for officers and staff and the service it provides. What's needed for that is a true base line of where the organisation currently is. 

"Personal experience and feed back from those working in the force can give truths that data and spread sheets miss. We are thankful that the Commissioner took up the other to spend the day with those that can provide that knowledge. We will, as the Federation, do our part to make the City Police a fair, equitable and enjoyable place to work.

The Commissioner said: "Today I visited the City of London Police Branch Federation meeting. Incredibly useful to hear about the day to day operational realities of policing and where I need to put my focus to better equip and support the workforce to deliver at its best. 

"It was a reminder to me yet again of the incredible people we have in the organisation working to improve our services and support each other. But it was also a reminder of the increasing demands and pressures facing everyone. 

"As we look to navigate the complexities of policing over the next few years, seeking to do more for our communities and improve trust and confidence, our people are the key to making this happen.

"We had some debate around wellbeing, welfare support, training, pensions, supervision and a whole lot more. Great work happening but more to be done!

"I am hugely grateful for the opportunity to participate and be trusted by my people to sit, listen and assimilate what is going on.

"Massive applause to our Federation Reps for everything they are doing to support people."


March 2025