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City of London Police Federation

City of London DC Steven Bailey awarded Inspiration Award at the National Police Bravery Awards

10 December 2021

A City of London Police officer who nearly died of COVID-19 and later publicly shared his experiences to help other officers stay safe has received the Inspiration Award at The 2021 National Police Bravery Awards.

DC Steven Bailey was in hospital with COVID-19 for two months in 2020, during which time he was put in an induced coma. He lost three and a half stone and about 50% of his muscle mass, and will need to be on beta blockers and blood thinners for the rest of his life.

After returning home he was supported by his family – his wife Clare, three daughters and two granddaughters – his force and the City of London Police Federation.

He recorded an emotional video for the Police Federation and Police Mutual, in which he said: “I never expected to get it as badly as I did have. I was a reasonably fit guy for my age. Four years ago, I ran the London Marathon. You just don’t know who it’s going to affect. I didn’t have any underlying health conditions beforehand and I’ve been left with a legacy of health conditions now.

“I wouldn’t want anybody to go through what I’ve gone through and what my family have gone through. So, it’s pretty simple: wear a face mask, use PPE, wash your hands, sanitise and socially distance.”

City of London Police Federation Chair Mike Reed said: “I nominated Steven for the Inspiration Award because he’s just that. Steven is a great believer in the policing family and because of this he wanted other officers and staff to learn from the dreadful experience he had and help to spread the message of looking after yourself and loved ones by following COVID guidance.

“He was so unselfish in his approach to spread the message about Covid and that people that should look after themselves, both in force and across the country. Because hundreds of thousands of people saw the video, he really did help inform the wider police family.

“Steven laid bare his feelings, experiences and fears in an open and frank way. To do this while still undergoing treatments and struggling with his own wellbeing confirms his tenacity in wanting to care for his fellow officers, with the aim to make them safer.

“I’m extremely proud of him. It’s really sad that this day is his last day in uniform before he retires, but we wish him loads of luck for the future.”

Despite suffering from PTSD caused by his time in a coma, Steven has shown great resilience and determination, even managing to pass his Sergeants exam.

His video has now been seen by nearly a quarter of a million people.

The 2021 Police Federation of England and Wales Bravery Awards were held in London on Thursday 9 December.

The Inspiration in Policing Award, which was first given in 2019, recognises officers who battle adversity and demonstrate moral courage to highlight an issue for the benefit of policing.


March 2025