90 days from today is Mon, 16 June 2025
For any officers preparing to embark on a well-deserved retirement, we want to ensure that your transition is as smooth as possible. To assist you in this process we have developed a list of FAQs, compiled in good faith to retiring CityFed members. The list is not exhaustive and not intended as a legal guide (so does not take precedent over any official guidance from HR or Pensions) but hopefully provides a useful summary.
Please email jo.westhead@polfed.org if you have any questions or spot anything missing that could be added to help other members.
Please complete Group Insurance Application for Retirees if you are a retiring officer already subscribing to the City of London Police Federation Group Insurance scheme as a serving officer and wish to continue with your cover. This form also contains an option add retiree Travel Insurance.
Please review accompanying Group Insurance and Travel scheme Application notes for Retirees_July 2024 and see below for summary of cover available and current deduction amounts.
NB - Officers may join the scheme no later than one month from retirement.
Complete Beneficiary Form (Group Insurance) to create or update existing instructions (NB - this form is for group insurance only and not pension related).
If you have already retired and have Group Insurance in place and wish to add Travel Insurance, please complete Travel Insurance Application for Retirees (standalone)
Bookmark: National Pensions Updates from Calum Macleod, National Secretary, PFEW
Bookmark/save: NPCC Police Pensions Member remedy factsheet - Contribution adjustments
Pension payment date: On or around the 6th of each month
Service available for all City Police officers and their families via Accord Legal Services. Includes a review service for anyone with an existing will to ensure documentation is legally correct. Contact Ed Stojanovic Ed@accordwills.co.uk / 01744 807048. Accord also offer online information sessions on topics such as protecting your children’s inheritance and the importance of lasting power of attorney (POA). Estate planning services also available for agreed fees.
Separately, Will writing templates available to Group insurance members via Arc Legal. See https://LAP-police.arclegal.co.uk (Ref LONDON2010) / legal advice line 0333 234 8505.
Pensioner welfare matters - contact Belinda Harding* belinda464harding@yahoo.co.uk or Jenny George* jagg315@hotmail.com
If you wish to join, please email Chris Pearson* (chris.pearson@citypensioners.co.uk) who administers the website and newsletter
Cost £30 a year or £2.50 per month (as at 15/2/23). Learn more about membership benefits: Homepage - NARPO. Complete Online Membership Application and select 'City' branch. Enter your pension number - usually your warrant number preceded by a zero and no letter at the end. When you select 'City of London' as your preferred force the form will display David Smith’s* name and address at the top (David is the Secretary/Treasurer for NARPO City of London Branch). The form will be routed to David electronically for information purposes but he also asks that you email a saved version to him at smithdavid291@btinternet.com. This allows him to sign you up with NARPO HQ and arrange for subscriptions to be deducted from your pension. Any questions, please contact David direct by email or phone 07598 120 798.
Please contact Jim Jolly* jimjolly@btinternet.com
City retirees can continue or join The Police Rehabilitation Centre Flint House from £5 per month (minimum donation). See www.flinthouse.co.uk > Sign Up Now to complete DD form
Mightify - Career change support for cops looking to leave policing.
Ex-Job (recruitment an placing. Contact Paul@ex-job.co.uk)
Retired police officers are eligible and simply need to provide proof of police pension or NARPO Card. https://www.bluelightcard.co.uk/contactblc.php
Retiring from or leaving policing is a big step (Oscar Kilo LinkedIn article)
*Retired City Police Officer
Met & City Police Orphans Fund (charity)
Police Mutual
Athletics Club
Force Lotto
Rail Travel Scheme
NB - The links and services provided are shared for informational purposes only. CityFed does not endorse or take responsibility for the content, services, or products offered by third-party providers or websites. We encourage all members to perform their own due diligence as required.
Quick links to information on the national Police Federation website:
© Copyright 2021 Police Federation All rights reserved