90 days from today is Fri, 13 June 2025

City of London Police Federation

Refreshment and lodging

Refreshments, Subsistence & Lodging

These allowances were discontinued from 1 April 2003. Instead, officers will be reimbursed expenditure incurred in the course of duty provided it is: Necessary, reasonable, additional to what the officer would otherwise have incurred and backed by a receipt

Food and Accommodation Expenses

Members who are prevented in the course of a tour of duty or shift from obtaining a meal in their usual way will be reimbursed the difference between the meal obtained and the meal they would usually take in the course of that tour.

Members retained on duty beyond their normal daily period of duty or shift (in excess of 2 hours or more) will be reimbursed the cost of any meal necessarily obtained.

Members will be reimbursed accommodation expenses necessarily incurred in connection with duty away from their usual place of duty or because of being retained on duty beyond their normal daily period of duty or shift.

In all cases receipts will need to be presented, and the expenditure must be reasonable.

Advance to cover expenses

Members may request an advance to cover probable duty expenses incurred when working away from their normal place of duty.

Incidental Expenses Allowance for those Attending Residential Training Courses

At the Police Negotiating Board meeting on 9 February 2005, it was agreed that the incidental expenses allowance for those attending residential training courses should be frozen at its current level of £4.43 per night. The maximum allowance is £17.77 per week, except where an officer has to attend for a week’s course of training on the preceding Sunday night and will therefore be in attendance for five nights.

Other useful documents

Annex V - Expenses
