90 days from today is Sat, 14 June 2025
I joined the Met Police in 2011 before transferring to the City in 2018. I spent ten years of my career on response, including in an acting Sergeant capacity.
I am currently on the Support Group, trained to Public order Level 1. I am also a reserve Authorised Firearms Officer and Public and personal safety (PPST) instructor.
I wanted to become a Fed rep as I feel I could use my knowledge in use of force to assist officers who are subject to these type of complaints.
I have seen disparities in how officers are investigated over the years, and wish to assist in ensuring colleagues are treated fairly. With vexatious complaints on the rise, I feel this is now more important than ever.
Having made use of the Federation after being involved in a post incident procedure myself, and being investigated by the former IPCC, I feel compelled to impart onto colleagues the importance of being part of the Fed.
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