90 days from today is Fri, 28 March 2025

West Midlands Police Federation

West Midlands Police Federation contact details

Possible interventions

Interventions could include referral to occupational health, exploration of reasonable adjustments, signposting, temporary restrictions or management support.

Actions agreed will be documented in a Wellbeing Plan with a review period set; for short term absences usually three to six months, long-term sooner dependent upon the circumstances.

If a development/wellbeing plan is initiated it must be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely). Although rare, failure of this can technically result in moving to the formal stage of the Unsatisfactory Attendance Process so it is vitally important plans are suitable.

Should there be further absences during the review period, or a return to work is not achieved, a further meeting will be held. A determination will be made at this point as to whether to continue with Attendance Support Meetings at the informal stage, or to refer to the formal process.

While this is informal and aims to be supportive, it still forms part of the attendance policy and evidence of non-attendance or a reluctance to look at resolutions will be noted and can be used in future more formal stages.