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Expectant parents launch fundraiser for bleed kit and defibrillator

22 October 2024

Kiran at work.

A West Midlands Police Federation member is raising money for two pieces of life-saving equipment to mark a lasting legacy for his new baby.

Sergeant Kiran Patel and his wife, Krupa, are expecting a child this month (October) and have tied their good news in with a fundraiser for a defibrillator and bleed control kit to be installed in their local town of Shirley, Solihull.

The couple have invited supporters of their JustGiving page to leave a comment along with their donation, guessing the baby’s gender, weight and birth date. The donor with the closest guesses will then receive a prize paid for by Kiran and Krupa as the winner of the competition.

Kiran said: “From my own experiences as a police officer, I know how important it is to have these two items readily accessible and visible on the streets.

“Even if our fundraiser helps to save one life, it will have been totally worth it – and will mean we commemorated our baby by giving something valuable to the community around us.”


Kiran, who has been a police officer for 10 years, has recently been involved with Operation Elevate, a nationally recognised project introduced by the Force to support and regenerate areas most affected by serious and organised crime in the West Midlands.

The 34-year-old had a hand in the installation of four bleed control kits across Alum Rock and Washwood Heath earlier this year as part of the initiative’s focus on knife crime and its consequences. This came after he teamed up with the official single point of contact for the kits, PCSO Zoe Bishop, and advised on locations for the equipment to be fitted.

These were the latest additions to a number of kits already in operation across the region, all stemming from the mission of the Daniel Baird Foundation – the charity set up by Lynne Baird after her son, Daniel, was tragically stabbed to death in Birmingham seven years ago.

“I was on duty the night Daniel died,” recalled Kiran. “A couple of days later, I remember going to his parents’ house and having a conversation with them.

“I’ve seen up close the impact knives can have on families and loved ones. The bleed kits are amazing in helping to preserve life by allowing treatment to begin before paramedics arrive. They’re so simple to use, and they can be used to treat any catastrophic bleed.”

Zoe said: “I’m very grateful to Kiran for the partnership struck up in getting more of the West Midlands covered with the kits. To hear that he is now trying to get another one set up through his own individual efforts shows his passion for making the public safer and for the foundation’s aims. I wish him the best of luck with his fundraiser.”


Meanwhile, ambitions for a defibrillator have a personal connection for Krupa after her father suffered a cardiac arrest in 2019.

The intended outcome of the fundraiser is for the defibrillator and bleed kit to be stored together in a cabinet from the foundation, setting its target at £1,500. Any surplus monies raised will be donated to charity or put towards further bleed kits, Kiran revealed.

“I would like to give a genuine thank you to my peers in the Force for their generosity so far – we both appreciate it so much,” he said.

“I’d also like to acknowledge the support we have had from other emergency services and the NHS. It’s so important we all are recognised for the work that goes into saving lives.”

The sergeant added that a recent baby shower has generated extra donations, with guests contributing to the fundraiser by way of a gift to the family. And while he doesn’t want to set his sights too far into the future with father duties set to commence soon, he hopes his fundraising exploits will continue beyond his new arrival.

“We wouldn’t want things to end there. When it comes to equipment that can literally be the difference between someone keeping or losing their life, there can never be enough around,” he ended.

Federation members can support Kiran through his JustGiving page.

READ MORE: Golf fundraiser for ex-sergeant living with MND.